you need an action replay, if you get the newest version of it, it will already have cheat codes on it, you can find them normally at a best buy, target, or wal mart
You can find the codes for that on or gamespot
they do too!!!!!!!!!! how do you not know that Pokemon games have cheat codes
yes there is AR codes for Pokemon rumble blast
you press action replay codes on Pokemon soul silver
You can't enter codes on Pokemon vortex bro... They're all scams.
No,but you can put codes your Ultimate Codes for Pokemon for gba
Pokemon codes are the codes you put in a action repley to get money, Pokemon, HMs and TMs, shiny Pokemon and complete your pokedex
No.There are no button codes for Pokemon.
Hey I Used Pokemon Firered Codes just use Pokemon firered gameshark codes
No, there's no Pokemon button codes.
You can find the codes for that on or gamespot
You have to buy packs to get the codes. The codes are all unique. Do not try to cheat to get codes. It's unfair to other players who support the pokemon company for the games they produce.
No you can't use Pokemon colluseum action replay codes on Pokemon xd
Give some good Pokemon A R codes please
one of the codes is 04gi03
No, if there was the codes would probably be action replay codes.
they do too!!!!!!!!!! how do you not know that Pokemon games have cheat codes