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right click mouse

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Q: How do you discard a card in wizard 101?
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How do you discard a card on wizard 101?

just right click it ;)

What does wizard 101 mean discard to use treasure card?

If you have a treasure card(s) in your deck, you will need to discard one card in your deck to draw a treasure card. Right click on a card to discard, then if you have a treasure card(s) in your deck, the "Draw" button at the bottom will be clickable, and this will draw one random treasure card into your hand when you click on them. You will need to discard one card to draw one treasure card, so if you need two treasure cards, discard two cards in your hand and click the Draw button two times.

Wizard 101 how do you use your treasure cards in combat?

Once you are in battle and ready to choose a card right click on one to discard it and then click on the middle option that says draw.

Is there any card code for wizard 101?

of course not boobs

In wizard 101 how do you get a spell card of yourself?

u dont

How do you get to firecat ally on wizard 101 without a gift card?

Get a membership

What is one wizard 101 card code?

wizzar panther code

How much does it cost to be a member in wizard 101?

just get a membership card in the shops

How do you get the phoenix card in wizard 101?

you can buy it from the tree of fire for 1000 gold

Can you pay for wizard 101 with pay safe card?

sry dude no.unfortunataley not

What is the next project for wizard 101?

The next project for wizard 101 is the oppsite of wizard 101.So its the bad side of wizard 101.

How do you get the spell card regenerate on wizard 101 game?

by leval 9 u get it free