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Q: How do you delete floors in sims 3?
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Can you have two floors on sims 3 on PC?

yes, just like in the sims 2 you can have multiple floors in a lot

How do you delete a Sims 3 account?

Go to the menu and underneath your family will be a little bin. Click on that and it will delete it:)

How do you build floors for the sims 3 for iPhone?

Unfortunately you can not.

Can you delete a sim in sims 3 PSP?

kill it

How many floors can you get on Sims 1?

You can build 2 floors on Sims 1

How do you delete a sim on The Sims 3 mobile?

I don't know about sims 3 mobile but in sims 3 you bring up the cheat box (CTRL+Shift+C) and type in testingcheatsenabled true. Then hold shift and click on the sim you want to delete, and it will say "Objects...". Click on that and from that menu select Delete it.

How do you delete sims 3 clothes from the game?

You can only delete custom content. Open The Sims 3 Launcher, find and select the item(s) you want to remove. Then, click on 'Uninstall'.

How do you delete a baby on Sims 3?

There is a way to delete sims on the Sims 3, but i don't know how to do that. What I do know is that if you leave the baby till it becomes really lonely, and then eventually a social worker will take it away. Then you can never have the child back. :)

Do you have to delete my sims 2 sims in order to install sims 3?

No You can have both The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 installed at the same time on your computer if you have enough space to hold all of the games.

On what Sims Game can you make 2 floors?

you can make a house with 2 floors in both sims 1 and sims 2.

If you download the sims 3 would it delete everything from sims 2?

No. I recently bought the Sims 3 for my computer, installed it and nothing from the Sims 2 game or file was deleted. The SIms 3 is a totally different game from the Sims 2.

Can you build your own house in The Sims 3?

Yes, you can build your house in The Sims 3. However, building a house in The Sims 3 requires a certain amount of skill, especially for houses with multiple floors.