Use the "delete" tool by the MAP. It goes faster because you don't have the pop up menu come up everytime you click on a field. When you use this tool it just deletes it without that hassle.
You have to have a facebook account, but you can just go to, type your facebook login, and it will take you straight to farmtown.
It would certainly be possible but the company responsible for Farmtown, Slashkey, would have to re code it from the ground up.
Yes, search it on or something.
I guess nothing other than how to spend your money well
You don't hack coins - you earn them like everybody else.
Delete everything
how do you clear the message chart on farmtown?
yes every day farmtown i am 71
First you need the space all clear and ready to plow. Next go up to the top of the screen and click the Preferences button (the one that has a wrench on it). Checkmark the box that says "Remove spaces between fields." You will then be able to plant your crops right next to each other.
If u check the Games list in FB in which u can use the facebook credits Farmtown is not in that list Farmtown doesn't accept facebook credits
you have to have at least 8 neighbors in your farmtown to gain it then you can hire for other farmers to work for your farm
FarmTown is a popular farming simulation game that can be played on Facebook. To reinstall FarmTown, you will need to follow these steps: Log out of your Facebook account: Before you can reinstall FarmTown, you will need to log out of your Facebook account. Uninstall FarmTown: Go to your device's app store (e.g. Google Play or App Store) and search for FarmTown. Once you find it, click on the "Uninstall" button. This will remove the game from your device. Reinstall FarmTown: After uninstalling FarmTown, go back to the app store and search for the game again. Click on the "Install" button to download and reinstall the game on your device. Log in to your Facebook account: Once the game is reinstalled, open it and log in to your Facebook account. You should now be able to access your FarmTown account and resume playing. It's worth mentioning that if you have an active Farmtown account on Facebook, you don't need to remove the game and start a new account, you can simply log in to your Facebook account and the game will be there. In summary, to reinstall FarmTown, you will need to log out of your Facebook account, uninstall the game from your device, reinstall it from the app store, and log in to your Facebook account. Once you have done that, you should be able to access your FarmTown account and resume playing.
i dont no but i need an answer fast because i wont to delete mine
About one year
You have to have a facebook account, but you can just go to, type your facebook login, and it will take you straight to farmtown.
You can go to your "applications" section in your personal FB account, and delete any application (meaning game, in this case) that you don't want to use anymore. It is, however, difficult to completely delete a FB game once you have played it. Farmtown, for example, cannot be completely deleted from your FB apps.
Maybe there was something wrong with the computer or they just didn't want to be your buddy on farmtown.