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You can't. If you want to create a new file, you can just save it over top of an old one.

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Q: How do you delete disgaea ds data?
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So far, there is only one: Disgaea DS

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You can't delete a game, as they are on the game cards. If you mean the data, you should be able to delete it in the options menu of that specific game.

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In order to delete your data, click on main menu, and click on the cat profile you want to delete and in the bottom right corner it says delete and click on it.

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About level 100.

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It is not possible to delete the campaign game in Zoo Tycoon 2 on the Nintendo DS games console. All you can do is delete the saved game data.

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Try playing around with the settings.

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There is a Delete all files thing in options. took me a bit to find it too.

Does resetting your DS delete your game data?

not really that i know of, but just in case always save ur data beforehand.

How do you delete data in pets catz playground for ds?

click on the help button to find out how. or just press the delete button on the screen if there is one.

How do you delete the pokewalkers data?

You can reset your PokeWalker from the DS. See the instruction manual that came with your game for instructions.

How do you erase Mario Kart for Nintendo ds?

If you want to delete all your saved data, press "Options" on the bottom-right corner of the main menu. Go down to "Erase Data." Also, if you turn off your DS when data is being erased, some data will be deleted but some will not!

Is Disgaea a manga?

The game "Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness" played on PSP has been adapted into a manga called Disgaea or in romanji Makai Senki Disgaea. There is also a Disgaea 2. So, yes, it is a manga.