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1.) On the Main Menu, choose "Other Things." 2.) Choose "Erase Character." 3.) Choose the name of the character you want to erase.

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Q: How do you delete characters on animal crossing wildworld?
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How do you delete one of your characters on animal crossing wild world?

When it say,''Hello, you came to play, did you?'' Then go to options then go to earase character or something like that.

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You cannot delete animals, but they will eventually move out if you are rude to them.

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You delete your person

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To delete a person on Animal Crossing Wild World you must g to the start-up screen. Then you must go to 'other things'. Next is 'erase resident'. You hit that and choose who will be erased.

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its the master code. do not delete it or no other codes will work.

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You have to delete your old game and make a new game.

Can you delete the first player leaving the second player in animal crossing wild world?

yes you can

On animal crossing if you delete your town is your person get deleted too?

Yes it does so you have to start again

When you delete your town on Animal Crossing City Folk how do you get it back?

you don't. u have to make a new one

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go to before plaing and tear down house that will deleate your profile

Can you retrieve deleted pictures in Animal Crossing City Folk?

No. Once you delete your pictures, they are gone forever.