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In the main menu, go to Options and Band Info. You can modify or delete your career data. But this also deletes all created characters

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Q: How do you delete career in band hero?
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How do you delete your career on Guitar Hero?

Click delete career when on the game 'Guitar Hero'

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Yes u can :)

How do you delete careers on gutiar hero three?

go to options on the main menu,click on manage band or something like that and it will give you the options to change band name, delete band, or create new band.

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first, go to options menu. then select manage band. last select file u want 2 delete and choose delete band

How do you unlock all the videos in Guitar Hero World Tour?

You have to finish all the careers in the game including : the guitar career , drum career , band career, mic career and bass career .

Can you make a co op band on Guitar Hero 3?

Yes, you can play a co-op career.

How do you restart a career in Guitar Hero 3?

You have to go onto your computer and delete system 32. Then download a system called GH3Helper.url

Does Guitar Hero band work on band hero?

All Guitar Hero Instrument are compatible with Band Hero.

Can you use band hero instruments to play the beatles rock band?

No, guitar hero works with band hero, but guitar hero and band hero do not work with rock band and vice versa

Can you use the rock band guitar drums and microphone for Guitar Hero or band hero?

guitar hero, yes, band hero, sometimes.

When did Band Hero happen?

Band Hero happened in 2009.