The only way to delete moves is through the Move Deleter, which should be in Blackthorn City.
double click on them then click toss
Go to the Pokemon center and in the PC select a Pokemon and click release
rock smash water fall strengh surf and flash
Click new game at the menu
Up, Select, B at the main menu the same goes for Soul Silver.
You can't get rid of HMs in heartgold.
In the top of the battle tower
double click on them then click toss
go to release
train your pokemon up to level 80,90, or 100 and teach it TMs and HMs
Go to the Pokemon center and in the PC select a Pokemon and click release
In Canalave City, the house above the Poké Mart.
go to fuchsia city Pokemon center to the left of that is the move deleter. you can delete HM's there
rock smash water fall strengh surf and flash
Click new game at the menu
The code is: 1356475a 89065865 00000000 00000078 90765937 98765000
unless you have the TM or are making another eggbthen no