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first you need to go to celadon city game corner, activate the poster on the wall. and defeat the team rocket boss. from this you will gain a silph scope this enables you to see the ghost, and defeat it

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Q: How do you defeat the level 30 ghost in Pokemon FireRed?
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How do you move the level 30 ghost in Pokemon tower in Pokemon FireRed?

You need the Silph Scope from the Rocket base in Celadon City, that will automatically reveal the Lv 30 ghost as a Marowak.

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You need the Silph Scope to see it, then defeat it.

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Train every Pokemon to level 100, catch all the Pokemon, receive the diploma, collect all the stickers and defeat the trainer tower.

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in the game. oh, be careful because the person who has it has level 30 Pokemon including a feraligatoryou get cut after you defeat misty get the SS ticket defeat Gary for the third time and talk yo the captain

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Dratini evolves at level 30 into Dragonair in Pokemon FireRed. It then evolves into Dragonite at level 55.

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depends what level

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level 33

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Gyarados doesn't any further on Pokemon FireRed.

What is the highest level in Pokemon FireRed?

All pokemon's highest level is 100.

What level does dragonair evolve in Pokemon FireRed?

Dragonair evolves at Level 55 in Pokémon FireRed.

On Pokemon FireRed how do you get into the unknown dungeon?

Defeat the Elite 4, after that go to Cerulean Cave and just explore. Bring some health items and powerful Pokemon because the Pokemon there are level 50 and higher.