After the confrontation in Mt. Moon and Cerulean, you will go through the game without any Rocket interference until you happen upon Lavender Town. You will confront them again in their Celadon hideout, and then, finally, at Silph Co. in Saffron.
Hope that I could help!
Defeat Team Rocket's Boss in the game corner he will leave the silph scope behind take it then leave.
You have to beat the elite four and defeat team rocket for the last time on four island, get the sapphire, and give it to Celio.
Go through the rocket game corner and defeat team rocket's boss Giovanni once he goes away an item will appear take it its the silph scope.
Viridian City, Giovanni(Team Rocket Leader) is the Gym leader.
im not sure off the top of my head what the passwords are but you have to ask the team rocket members after you defeat them in a Pokemon battle and that's how you get the passwords
defeat team rocket .
Defeat the gym leader in the viridian city gym which happens to be the Team Rocket boss.
Defeat team rocket in the game corner, Pokemon tower and silph co then receive 7 badges.
You have to defeat a certain Team Rocket Agent and he'll drop the Card Key.
You can get wobbafet in cerelean cave Note. You have to beat the elite 4 first and defeat the rest of team rocket
Defeat Team Rocket's Boss in the game corner he will leave the silph scope behind take it then leave.
You have to get to saffron city and defeat the team rocket in Silph .co defeat the team rocket boss giovanni and then the boss of silph gives it you as a reward
You must defeat Giovanni, the boss, on the top floor and any grunts blocking the way to him.
You defeat Giovanni (which is also the Team Rocket Boss). He is in Viridian City, and his Pokemons are Rhyhorn, Dugtrio, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, and Rhydon.
You have to beat the elite four and defeat team rocket for the last time on four island, get the sapphire, and give it to Celio.
Team Rocket's Warehouse