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Beat her up

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Q: How do you defeat supercreep's battlestar on radiant?
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one sentence.IT ISNT OUT YET.

Bands that had the word super in their name?

supercreeps, supermonkey, super man band, superficial, and superphsyco. that's all i know

What information is provided on the Battlestar Wikipedia page?

Wikipedia's page for 'Battlestar' is a disambiguation page. Links are provided to the television series 'Battlestar Galactica', the ship 'Battlestar' used in the TV show, a Marvel superhero named Battlestar, and a video game titled 'Battlestar', among a few other entries.

When was Zac - Battlestar Galactica - created?

Zac - Battlestar Galactica - was created in 1978.

What is a large warship that starts with the letters bat?

battlestar galactica, or just battlestar.

What episode of Battlestar Galactica are the four eyed aliens on?

There are no aliens on Battlestar Galactica. There are humans and cylons.

When was Home - Battlestar Galactica - created?

Home - Battlestar Galactica - was created on 2005-08-19.

When was Precipice - Battlestar Galactica - created?

Precipice - Battlestar Galactica - was created on 2006-10-06.

When did Battlestar Galactica - TV miniseries - end?

Battlestar Galactica - TV miniseries - ended in 2003.

When was Fragged - Battlestar Galactica - created?

Fragged - Battlestar Galactica - was created on 2005-07-29.

When was Spaceball - Battlestar Galactica - created?

Spaceball - Battlestar Galactica - was created on 1980-03-30.

When was Sacrifice - Battlestar Galactica - created?

Sacrifice - Battlestar Galactica - was created on 2006-02-10.