to defeat optimum alfred dress up as the raticator go to the sun roof and do wot you do to the thugs,aliens n goons.ope it elps
you have to fight the robots 2 times and Alfred 3 times but careful about your sanity if you run out of sanity you have go back to your room and do it again!hope i helped I don't think that works because i tried it and it did not work but when Optimus Alfred in the water and the moves that you would normally do in the rat suit.
after you defeat the 3 robots , optimum alfread gets angry and locks himself in the penthouse. emperor xizzle then comes along and asks for the antenna blueprints. you need to collect 5 mechanical skill points so you can hack into the penthouse and retrieve the blueprints.
When you're supposed to defeat Alfred? You have to collect 5 mechanical skill points first, and then go to the penthouse between 6pm and 10pm. The Concierge told me that's when he goes out to "recharge his batteries".
no you can not have kids on my sims for ds.
You DO NOT need 5 mechanical skillsAll you have to do is:Go to the Penthouse between 6 to 10 pmOptimum Alfred is not there
I don't think there is
nobody, it's free to rent and get monkey from.
earn micanicle 5 and break into the penthhouse.
You'll find Optimum Alfred on the sun deck. You'll have to dress up as Ratacor and get you're rat suit on. He has some friends... GOOD LUCK!!!!!
you have to fight the robots 2 times and Alfred 3 times but careful about your sanity if you run out of sanity you have go back to your room and do it again!hope i helped I don't think that works because i tried it and it did not work but when Optimus Alfred in the water and the moves that you would normally do in the rat suit.
you use the water gun.
to defeat optimum alfread you need to dress up as the raticator.when you have thrown the ratarang and pressed the button to send him to jail he flies away and his 4 robot sidekicks come. you need to defeat the robot side kicks twice and defeat alfread 3 times to complete the game.but beware your sanity level can decrease and you get sent back to the managers suite meaning you have to go through it all once again.
after you defeat the 3 robots , optimum alfread gets angry and locks himself in the penthouse. emperor xizzle then comes along and asks for the antenna blueprints. you need to collect 5 mechanical skill points so you can hack into the penthouse and retrieve the blueprints.
When you're supposed to defeat Alfred? You have to collect 5 mechanical skill points first, and then go to the penthouse between 6pm and 10pm. The Concierge told me that's when he goes out to "recharge his batteries".
no you can not have kids on my sims for ds.
You DO NOT need 5 mechanical skillsAll you have to do is:Go to the Penthouse between 6 to 10 pmOptimum Alfred is not there
Yes you can woohoo on sims for ds and dsi.