

Best Answer

you can easly costomize your home screen by your disire or wish that is to costomize it by adding some embleshment to different

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Q: How do you customize your homescreen?
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On the homescreen click create a household and from there on you can customize your family/sim!

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Pinch the screen

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No just go to the website and bookmark it to your homescreen

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Do it at the homescreen when you first enter

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How do you get homescreen wallpapers on jailbroken ipod touch?

There are several ways. 1. Download a Cydia tweak called MyOS. 2. Put into the system files. This also allows you to use it when in same mode. You have to edit the file /System/Library/CoreServices/ You do this in iFile. You use the text viewer. Scroll down until you see that it says capabilities. You then add homescreen-wallpaper and then it gives you a homescreen wallpaper no matter what. Do the same for multitasking. Just instead of homescreen-wallpaper, put multitasking. Must be in all lower case to work.

Where is the membership botton on pixie hollow?

The membership button is located on the homescreen on the bottom of the page.

How do you turn on easy mode?

press the wizard on the tower in the homescreen before the game starts.

How do create folder?

Right click on your mouse on your homescreen and go down to new folder.

Where can you customize your own toms?

You can customize them online.