To create an account on Seal Hunter 2 you need to first download the game. Then you click on the account button and put in your information to create your account.
You can't have 2 separate accounts on tiny tower.
Sorry..its impossible.But you can CREATE a account..All you do it click "Register" Select your moth and year. Decide your character name. Do your password 4 characters and 2 numbers...Do your e-mail if you want...Goodluck
You cannot, after choosing your login, you cannot change it. You can either put additional names as your nickname or create a new account.
1. Go to 2. Click the big Play Now button at the top 3. When the page loads, click create new account at the bottom 4. Put in the appropriate details 5. Enjoy your game!
Go to: You will have to put in a valid username/email or if you have a facebook you can create your account with it.2. You will have to go through the tutorial when your done you can start playing it
They can't link up to go on quest's but if you get monster hunter freedom unite then you can import ur account from monster hunter 2. ps it doesn't delete your guy/girl on monster hunter 2 (z alesana i) ()_() (=':') (,(")(") your welcome!!
You can make 2 accounts on iTunes by clicking "create account" twice.
Google Account is nothing but Gmail account Steps to create Gmail account 1) Go to 2) Click create an account 3) Fill the details in the form and submit. That's it source:
wen we create a account he is asking that
You can create a new Apple account.
Yes, you can, all you need to do is pick multiplayer, go to infastracture, create a EA account, and create your screen name, then you have your account!
talk to the Elder. talk to the girls behind the bar inside the gathering halls
because you suck green eggs and ham
You can't have 2 separate accounts on tiny tower.
Open a new account and cash it. Banks would take a maximum of 2-3 working days to create a new account for you.