Once you've entered the Sims menu, click "Start a new game", and then when it's done loading, on the bottom left, the first of the three buttons, click "Create a sim". Or, in "edit town" mode, create sims that you won't get to control.
Boyfriend.....you can't create a boyfriend. These are the 3 things you can do to create your own sims: 1) You can create a sim along with your girl sim and call them "Housemates". Then, along the game, get them to date using romantic interactions. OR 2) Create the sims in create a sim and call them "Spouses", that, though, will make them married. OR 3) Find a cheat online....
if they are already in a family and in the bin then you can't edit them. *but if you havent saved them as a family yet, you click on their icon and click the pencil and it takes you back to their create a sim page :)
As with every expansion or stuff pack for The Sims 3, you can create a Sim in Ambitons. If you can't do so, the problem may lie in your computer.
Sure, you can create your own Sim to play in your game. You could also choose to play a Sim that came pre-installed with your game by selecting their house in the neighborhood view or moving a Sim or Sim family from the Family Bin into a house in the same neighborhood view.
CAS ----> Create A Sim
well all the sim games are 12 but if you know someone who has the game you can ask them if you can create sim,or there is a game called sims 3 create a sim where you can create a sim using the sims 3 feautures.hope this helped!
No, it comes with the game automatically.
The Create a Sim icon is located in the bottom left of the neighborhood menu.
When in create a sim, move the weight slider all the way to the right, until it is as big as they can get.
Yes . If your sim buys any jewelry , he/she can wear it by click on a mirror and choose to change your sim . And your sim can get jewelry in create a sim ..
No. Create a Sim comes with the original sims games. I would advise you not to get it.
if it's in create-a-sim you use the boolprop cheat in the neighborhood then go in the create a sim and press SHIFT + N and you should get it.
*start a new game *go to create a household (of course) *make your sim *go to the button that let's you add another sims *click on it *choose the symbol of a person (for a human sim) a cat (for a cat sim) a dog (for a dog sim) or a horse (for a horse sim) hope this helped :)
why the hell do you want do that. but if you want to theres a create a sim kit to download
It already is. Just type in Create a sim demo sims 4 on your browser and download!
No you can't, all Sims are given the same voice.
Yes. You have to go to Create a sim and create your couple. You can make them married using family relationships.