On Dragon Cave, you can not 'create' dragons. These dragons are found on the main page, either in the abandoned section or on the bottom of the page. Then they are either eggs or hatchlings, and if they get enough unique views, become adult dragons.
If you mean the friend area called Dragon Cave, these are the Pokemon that will live there when recruited: Bagon, Shelgon, and Salamence.
You can't get eaten by a sea dragon in Hazy Maze Cave. Nintendo just want to scare kids by putting the warning sign in the cave.
A few games that are similar to Magistream are Dragon Cave, and Egg Cave.
Dragon Cave revolves around grabbing and raising eggs. There are new eggs and abandoned eggs. The object is to hatch the eggs and raise them to adulthood.
Dragon Breeding is where you get a breeding cave/breeding island and press breed, Then it takes a few hrs. to do but when they finish you get a new tipe of dragon.
You can name a dragon on dragon cave before or after you find out what gender it is; it doesn't really matter when.
You put a plasma dragon and a salamander dragon in the breeding cave.
Many peopl use hatcheries on dragon cave. Try searching for 'Dragon Cave Hatcheries' You can also find a list of sites on the Dragon Cave Wiki, or you can put it in your forum signature :)
Probably not.
TJ is the creator of Dragon Cave, and his username on the forums would be TJ09
Look around the edge of the island. You will see this hill with a cave. Go in the cave and go to the dragon eggs. You are finally a dragon!
You can't.
You have to do a specific quest before the Cyan dragon appears in its cave.
it's the dragon cave.