Look no one has to answer to that. This is a website for learning not stupid Pokemon games. Go on a game website and find other things to do then annoy people with your boring game us people need this for school. GET A LIFE!
There is no legitimate cheat to create a Pokemon. You could, however, use something like an Action Replay to create any kind of Pokemon that you want.
Pokeblock's are not in diamond instead there called poffin's, just like ruby, sapphire and emerald in the Pokemon contests you can create your own poffin using berries.
there isn't you can create it using a trainer toolkit bought on "codejunkies.com".
Well, if you have an action replay there is a website that you can use to generate cheat codes for your ARDS < action replay d.s. >. You can create Pokemon and there move set and a bunch of other things!! It's really cool!!Now for the website;www.pokesav.orgYour Welcome
check out http://www.supercheats.com/ and if you want keep up with all the new Pokemon info check out http://pokebomb.co.cc
Get pokesav and create your own
You can't create pokemon.
your computer needs to be windows download pokesav at www.pokesav.org connect the ar to the computer and you can create ar cheats, pokemon, and cause ANTHING to happen!!!!!!!
yes How do u create one?
yes with the Pokemon modifier
There is no legitimate cheat to create a Pokemon. You could, however, use something like an Action Replay to create any kind of Pokemon that you want.
You would first of all need an Action Replay DS. Then what you can do is go to Drakendomain.net next you download POKESAV which allows you to create pokemon, get Key Items, items, the elusive Master Ball. If you cant figure out how to work pokesav (like i did) you should go on youtube for tutorials.
thatsi mposible to answer people create code every day, but dont post them on the internet, if youreally want codes then download pokesav, its amazing
you have to enter Nintendo WFC
Catch all the legendary pokemon. If you are already done with that, create your perfect team, level up pokemon, etc.
It's impossible to make one unless you are the creator or something.