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To make a Club Penguin trainer you will have to download visual basic 6 for windows only then click standard exe then look on YouTube because i cant remember.

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Q: How do you create a Club Penguin Trainer?
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What is cp trainer on Club Penguin?

a club penguin trainer is a thing where you you can discover all the cheats in club penguin and make your penguin do that cheat.

Is there a Club Penguin trainer for mac?

no there is not. no club penguin trainers.

How do you get to cp trainer?

The Club Penguin Trainer, or just CP trainer, is an illegal cheating device used by hackers on Club Penguin.

Where is Club Penguin HTML?

you mean for a club penguin trainer or to make a widget for club penguin?

How do you get in a member room in Club Penguin?

There is no way to get into a member room unless you download a Club Penguin trainer. In some Club Penguin trainer's you can go into member rooms.

What is a cp trainer?

cp trainer is Club Penguin Trainer! Its club penguin cheats To download it copy and paste this word:

Where can you find club penguin trainer 3?

Club penguin trainer 3 is not out yet. And now cp trainer 3 4 5 and more are out Yeah

How do you download cp trainer for club penguin?

you need to have a HP computer and search it on google,''download cp trainer club penguin.''

What is penguin storm on Club Penguin?

Penguin Storm is a trainer that no longer works.

How can you get a black puffle in club penguin without membership?

with club penguin trainer 2

How do you put your Club Penguin on cp trainer 2?

search Club Penguin Trainer 2 on the internet and you will find it just click download

Where can you download cp trainer 5 for club penguinhttpwikianswerscomqwhere can you download cp trainer 5 for club penguin?

You can download it from but i would get penguin impact 3 it has all the features in penguin trainer 5 and more