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Well, when you go to the recipe book, in your menu thing, it has it. If you need futher help, I'm going to post the recipe soon.

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Q: How do you cook pie dough in harvest moon magical melody?
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How do you get one million G in harvest moon magical melody?

I think there's a cheat for it but if not then just go fishing every day and cook the fish and ship it or go mining.

What can you do during the winter in harvest moon magical melody?

Take care of your animals, attend festivals, Fish, go to the mines, cook, gather wood, and improve relationships with every person!

Is there a dough that you can eat but not cook?

Cookie dough

Do most chain pizza restaurants cook it fresh or from frozen dough?

Most pizza restaurants that are franchises or chains cook from fresh dough. It is difficult to have a good frozen dough.

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Do you have to cook pizza dough before you put your topping on and cook it?

No, put the raw pizza dough in the oven witth your sauce and topping on it and cook for the certain amount of time.

How many hours a baking powder ready to cook?

Batters and dough made with baking powder are ready to cook as soon as the ingredients are combined. Baking powder dough does not require time to rise as yeast dough does.

What is a good recipe for chocolate pizza?

you have to make the dough,cook it and melt chocholate and pour it over the dough

How do you cook cookies on harvest moon?

Buy the kitchen then cook egg,flour and butter.

When to harvest mongo seeds?

just cook it and eat it

How do you harvest food in harvest moon?

You don't "Harvest food" You harvest vegetables once you have grown them.If you want to cook food expand your house and buy a kitchen

What temperature to cook pizza dough from harris teeter?

400 degrees