who knowsyou should grill it with a special grill from MOD THE SIMS 2.Or something like thea.
You have to get the Sims 2 game boy advance game and have them both in your DS at the same time. Then you can have babys.
Why do you want to cook a baby?!!!
build a firepit, click cook, click egg
bcause fish is stinky and they are all canabals
no just try harderyes u can have humen babys in sims 2 pets
No you can not
no, you can't have any children on the sims 2 for the DS
no not on ps2 version
you cannot have babys on sims 2 pets
no because you cannot have babys on sims 2 pets because its for pet and adult sims
you cannot get pregnant on sims 2 pets because there is no things for babys the game is for pets and adult sims
you cannot have a baby on the sims 2 pets for playstation 2. you can only make adult sims. yes u can have babys see that bird holding a baby bundle that means u can have babys i have 2 already ashly and timmy
Ignore them until the care worker comes
i dont now my sims 2 pets would always have babys wen i wanted them to