Press ctrl-shift-c to bring up the cheat window. Type boolprop testingcheats enabledtrue. Shift-click the visitor and pick "MAKE SELECTABLE". Keep in mind the Sim will now be living in your house. To turn this around, shift-click the Sim and select "Make Unselectable". You can do this with Sims in your family too.
Chat with our AI personalities
You Can't Control. Because, I've cheat to control he, But I can't..
You cant.
If it's an odd number of blocks... But if you have sims 2 Mansion and Garden stuff of sims 2 Apartment Life, then you can enter the cheat using the cheat console (control+shift+c): "quarterTilePlacement on" and this will let you center things
No, you cannot have Sims 2 pets on Sims 3. You must have Sims 3 pets for Sims 3 or Sims 2 pets for Sims 2.
hold b back of wii remote use control pad left and right to switch sim