Use a network router. Refer to user manuals and/or online guides on how to set up. Use a network router. Refer to user manuals and/or online guides on how to set up. Use a network router. Refer to user manuals and/or online guides on how to set up. Use a network router. Refer to user manuals and/or online guides on how to set up.
You can not share your phone wireless internet with your PS3. The PS3 will search for a WiFi connection and if one is found it can be used to connect to the internet. If you have internet service it is not a problem to connect to the PS3
First you need a wireless internet connection before you can connect the PS3 to wireless internet. You can not connect the PlayStation without already having internet service. If you have wireless internet service then you go to the PlayStation 3 settings to network connections. If you do not have a wireless internet, but have internet service you purchase a wireless Router and install it first before going to the PS3 setting for network connection. You can also connect a wired system running an ethernet cable from your router to the back of the PS3 and then going to the setting for network connection.
Not all U-verse plans support gaming and do not even come with internet unless you have paid extra. Your PS3 is designed to seek a WiFi signal and auto connect when you use the ps3 networking settings. The PS3 was designed for cable and DSL and the ads showing features for the PS3 state Online connectivity requires broadband internet service and network devices such as a DSL or cable modem. The PS3 support can help with connection problems and is available under the related link How do I connect the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system to the Internet?
No the USB ports on the PS3 can not be used to connect to the internet. Connection must be either with the Ethernet or WiFi. See related link
First you need a DSL or Cable internet service. Then you need to have a router if you don't have one already. Connecting the PS3 can be wired or wireless and the related link has procedures
There is no extra cost for internet on the PS3. You connect to the home internet that you already have and it will cost the same as it did before unless you have a plan that charges for time used instead of a monthly flat rate.
no, the PS3 can just connect to the internet if you have broadband internet service
You can not share your phone wireless internet with your PS3. The PS3 will search for a WiFi connection and if one is found it can be used to connect to the internet. If you have internet service it is not a problem to connect to the PS3
The PS3 does not connect to the internet using the USB port on the PS3. You must connect with either WiFi or an ethernet cable. The USB port on the PS3 is not designed to provide the PS3 with an internet connection and nothing connected to it will allow the PS3 to be connected to the internet
You have to have wireless internet and then the PS3 has the ability to connect to it.
You need to connect the PS3 to the internet. How does the computer connect to the internet. That's the location for the PS3 to connect also. You may need to purchase a router along with an ethernet cable.
The PS3 WiFi is to connect the PS3 to the internet and not to another WiFi device
The charge is for the internet access if you don't already have internet access. PS3 does not provide free internet it provides free use of the PlayStation Network on the internet. It does not matter if you use WiFi or an Ethernet cable to connect the use of the PS3 on the internet is free, the internet is the same charge to you with or without a PS3.
Connect your PS3 to the internet then log into PlayStation network
by connecting with via usb PS3 can not connect to the internet with a USB modem
You connect the PS3 to the internet with Broadband internet service and a cable or DSL modem and router. see related link
If you have internet service and a means to connect the PS3 to that service the PS3 has the ability to go online