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once the wii system is on and you click start for the certain game hold down 1&2 at the same time until its connected....ver easy

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Q: How do you connect the controller to the wii?
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Can a Wii U controller connect to a normal Wii?

No, you cannot connect a Wii U controller to a Wii. Only Wii Remotes and other Wii accessories will work for the Wii, and the Wii U GamePad only works for the Wii U.

How does a Wii Nunchuk controller connect to the Wii?

To connect the Wii Nunchuk controller to the Wii, first put the cord through the connector hook on the Wii Remote wrist strap and then the locate external extension connector on the base of the Wii Remote to insert the Nunchuk plug.

Can you play a GameCube game on the Wii with a Wii classic controller?

No, as you need to connect the classic controller to the Wii remote to use it, and the GameCube games don't recognise the Wii remote.

Can a GameCube controller extension cable connect to a Wii?

yes. i have done it.

Does a Wii controller work on GameCube games?

No, Wii controllers don't have wires 2 connect 2 the gamecube

How can Player 2 enter on super smash bros brawl WII?

just connect the wii remote or GameCube controller

How do you insert another controller in Super Smash bros Brawl for Wii?

Gamecube controller: plug it in the plug-ins under the flap on top of the Wii (in player 2, 3, or 4 plug-in) Wii Remote: press home on the first Wii remote. press wii remote settings. press reconnect. press 1+2 on wii remote 1. then press 1+2 on the second Wii remote. close the home menu with the home button. Nunchuck: connect wii remote. plug in Nunchuck. Classic controller: connect wii remote. plug in Classic Controller.

How do you connect your Game Boy Advance to your wii?

If your Wii supports Gamecube Games the Wii will have Gamecube Controller sockets. The GBA to GCN cable is an accessory cable that can connect to the gamecube controller sockets on the Wii and connect to the Gameboy Advance. Connect the GBA cable portion to the Gameboy Advance (the larger portion it has the Gameboy Advance logo on it) and connect the GCN cable portion (the smaller portion that is visually similar to the plug for controllers) to the Wii. Make sure that the plug is placed in a socket other than 1 as you will need to have a 1 player Gamecube Controller. Occasionally certain games such as Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures will allow players to use there GBA as 1st player rather than a Gamecube Controller.

How do you use GameCube controller at Wii?

On one of the sides the wii, you'll find some sort of tab. Open the tab. Connect the controllers there.

How can you use a white Wii controller on a red Wii?

Same thing with all wiis: Connect the controller that came with the red Wii console, then press the home button, go to Wii remote settings at the bottom of the screen, and press reconnect. Then, pick up whatever controller(s) that you want to and hold down or repeatedly press the 1 and 2 buttons until the controller connects. Repeat for the red controller, because once you press reconnect, that controller will be disconnected from your Wii console.

What controller need to use for smackdown vs raw 2010 wii?

You need a wii remote with the nunchuk. you can also use a gamecube controller or connect a classic controller that connects to a wii if you need more help ask your local game store like wal-mart or game stop

How do you connect a iconcepts game fury Wii controller?

There should be a flap that lifts up ontop of the wii and there are 4 slots to plug the controller into put it into the closest one to the power button. Not all wii's have that flap. The newer ones with new mario bros. wii dont have the flap, so the controller wont work. Found this out from gamestop.