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It's a PC controller and you need a PS3 controller. It's a PS3 and the accessories are not interchangeable any more than the games are. Get the PS3 move bundle that comes with a game and both a Move and a navigational controller as well as the Playstation Eye camera.

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Q: How do you connect a hydra controller to a PlayStatation 3?
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You cannot connect a Dualshock 3 to a PS2.

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The PS3 Dual Shock 3 controller is a Bluray controller for the PS3 exclusively

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Return and purchase a Dualshock 3

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To register your Sixaxis/DualShock 3 PlayStation 3 controller with your PlayStation 3 system after it has been used with another system, simply connect it to the PS3 with a USB cable and press the PS button on the controller to sync it. Your controller will now work again.

Will the PlayStation 3 wireless controller still work if the battery does not take a charge?

No, the PlayStation 3 wireless controller will not still work if the battery does not take a charge. The controller will not have enough power to connect to the console.

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almost any store that sells games for a playstatation or gamestop or slackers if any around you area

How do you add another controller to a ps3?

Connect the cable supplied with the PS3 to the controller and press the PlayStation emblem until it reads the controller and makes it the next number. Sometimes you can just press the emblem in the center of the Dual Shock 3 controller

How do you connect a second control to a Xbox 360?

On the front of the controller there will be a small button on the left side (left if you are holding the remote normally) There will then be a button that looks similar to that one on the console. Make sure the xbox and controller are both on, press and hold the button on the controller, then press and hold the button on the console. If it works, then the controller light will flash 3 times and connect.

What are some different types of hydras?

Hydra 1 /hydra 2 /hydra 3/hydro blast

What do you do when ps3 contoller stops working?

If your PlayStation 3 controller ceases to function, first check the LED indicator lights on the front of the controller to ensure that it is still connected to the system. If the lights are off, first attempt to connect the controller to the PlayStation 3 or a power source with the USB cable. Press the PS button and the controller will reconnect with the system. If all four lights on the controller are flashing simultaneously, the controller is functioning, but cannot connect to the system. In this scenario, move the controller closer to the PlayStation and wait for the connection to complete. When connecting the controller to the PS3 via USB or Bluetooth fail to suffice, contact Sony eSupport for assistance.

Can you use a plastation 3 controller on a PC?

You will need to search for a PS3 to PC driver. After, connect your PS3 to your PC with USB.

How do you connect a second remote control to xbox 360?

First you go to the top of the controller, right of the left trigger and left of the center of the controller. There is a small round button with a thing that look's like the signal strength of a cell phone above it. Press and hold that till the center button lights start turning clockwise. Then Press the connect button on your xbox. It will then automatically connect the controller to that xbox. Repeat this process if you want to do this on another xbox