i have no idea its hard!!
The code for monkey go happy 2 is 2469
remove the stamp from the stack . go to the keypad and enter 1,3,4,7 . pull out the fan and plug it in.
easy monkey boy
unblock the sun
i have no idea its hard!!
I need code for Monkey go happy stage 354, thanks !
you dont you just watch a ugly dumb monkey cry with its baby
ermm i dont know ??m
ermm i dont know ??m
by putting the faces in the opisite direction
OOH I love monkey go happy! But I never got to the final level -_-. Just KEEP TRING! :D Practice makes PERFECT
infiltrate the vortex converter in the great hall
You dont....... you look at the adorable baby and watch the dumb elder monkey cry to death!
The code for monkey go happy 2 is 2469