The way I completed it was to do "Very" first then balance the S, O and F under the A the, drop the U at the top of the slope and then quickly move the E into position. You have to be very quick and time the Us position just right though.
you have to put attencion at the words! "not ENOUGH SNACKS FOR four WORMS" it's a little bit tricky!
you have to make the big words like enough, worms and snacks...after that you only have to make 1 one word that is for and you solve the level....
4 pics 1 word changes the pictures for each level, game to game, so it is impossible to answer, sorry
a word meaning complete and utter failure
because at 1 level at the end of the game you have to watch someone get stabbedand they say a swear word which is assh**e.but the game was going to be rated 15 or 16 but because of that one incident its an 18.
you have to put attencion at the words! "not ENOUGH SNACKS FOR four WORMS" it's a little bit tricky!
you have to make the big words like enough, worms and snacks...after that you only have to make 1 one word that is for and you solve the level....
there is no other word for harmony.
The Zulu translation for the word "harmony" is "ukulungelelana."
Peace is a word that means harmony. The homophone for peace is piece.
you can't trucking do it cause there isn't enough room to build the biggest words like you're supposed to. it's dumb as dumb can be , and the people who made level 32 are vaginas.. the rest of the levels are fine though.
The French word for harmony is "harmonie."
The Sanskrit word for harmony is "समाधान" (samādhāna).
harmony, without dispute
everyone is in harmony
harmony, without dispute
The word harmony has three syllables. (Har-mo-ny)