search it on youtube
the answer is doommod44556 i don't know if it is doomwood or chaosmod44556
le bot quest 1.9
Adventure Quest and Adventure Quest Worlds are different in so many ways. AQ is an RPG, AQW is an MMORPG. AQ requires skill, AQW requires money (sadly true). AQW is mainly for people who arent good at other games so they just play AQW. And since there's pretty much no skill involved in AQW, its pretty much just a dress up game. So if you're 6-9 I reccomend AQW. if youre 10-14 I reccomend AQ.
I think you have to finish all the quest in the citadel, but I am not sure.
you go to the crashsite and complete the quest
search it on youtube
Kill 100 monsters :)
Defeat the Undead Fire Mages until you get the Fire Gem.
go to skullholme and talk to death because he has a quest for you and if you complete it you get the p dragon
Complete Great Godfather of Souls quest and the dancing game. You get it from the Ticklish Zorbo Ticket pet quest. Idk how you get the tickets :)
complete juggernaut quest (from nulgath) and click on ungodly reavers of nulgath in rewards and then turn in
Finish the First Quest! :P
you must complete the last quest (dragon marshall) that galanoth has for you, but to do that you need to do all the free user quests before that.
You need to eb a member with the pet he wants. Go to the pet shop for the baby red dragon to start
In AQW, you quest to defeat the 13 Lords of Chaos, armed with a possible amount of nearly 50 classes, and weapons. The primary concept is defeating monsters in order to complete each zone's storyline.
Adventure Quest Worlds.