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I don't think there's any way. Sorry

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Q: How do you clone items in Pokemon Black and White?
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You can clone items in Pokemon Ruby. You can accomplish this by attaching the item to the Pokemon you are cloning.

POkemon platinum how to clone items?

Cant you can only on Pokemon heartgold search for how do you clone items in Pokemon heartgold and my answer will be there

How do you clone items in Pokemon Ruby?

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Sending items over from pokemon diamond to Pokemon Black and white?

you are unable to send any items from the past games to pokemon black/ white

Can you clone items in Pokemon Soul Silver?

ur not able to clone items in any Pokemon rpg games; only Pokemon

How do you clone items in black and white?

I don't think there's any way. Sorry

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You Can't. only in emerald can you clone stuff.

Can a Pokemon hold 2 items?

Unfortunately not, but it is possible to clone items

How do you clone Items and Pokemon on Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't clone anything unless you use a Gameshark or cheating device.

How do you clone items on sea foam where Pokemon no is?

you cant

Can you clone items in pokemon firered if so how?

You can't :/

Is there a Pokemon manic that you can sell items to in Pokemon Black and White?

yes,in iceris city in the pokemon center