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I don't know. All you've got to do is something

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Q: How do you climb trees on sims 2 castaway for ps2?
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Can your sim climb trees in sims 2?

Hannahluvsthesims2: I don't think so, but i know fur sure that if you have sims 2 castaway on ps2, you will have to climb trees to get food and stuff ~Thanks

Do they have sims castaway for PS2?

yes, they have the sims 2 castaway for the PS2

Sims babies on sim castaway PS2?

You can't have babies on Sims 2 Castaway PS2.

How do you climb trees in Sims 2 for PS2?

sorry but you cant

On the The Sims castaway can your sims get preagnet on ps2?

nope! :(

Can you have a baby on sims castaway on DS?

no you can not have a baby on the sims 2 castaway on ds or ps2 or psp only on sims castaway stories for PC

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Are there tsunamis in Sims 2 Castaway for PS2?

nO There Is No Tsunami In The Sims 2 Castaway Only One Disaster is there.....Earthquake

How do you play games in the Sims 2 Castaway on PS2?

there is no games in the sims 2 castaway in all system except mobile

Is sims 2 nightlife on ps2 and if it is how can you get it?

No, sorry, the only expansion packs for the Sims 2 on PS2 is Sims 2 Castaway and Sims 2 Pets.