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This may sound bizarre, but I put the disk with the silver side up in the toilet, and flush the water down through the middle hole Thing, and just dry it on something fluffy.

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Q: How do you clean a disc when it's scratch?
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How do you clean a ps2 disc?

With care not to scratch the disc, if the disc is already scratched the cleaning will not help

What do you do when a ps2 game is scratch?

you try to buff the scratch out .then you go and gets some stuff to clean the disc real good .when clean the disc go in a circle which the cloth .never backwards or forward

How To Clean A Disc?

There are multiple ways. The most common way would be to take a soft clean cloth, and gently swirl around the disk. A better and more effective procedure would be to buy a disk cleaner as they will not scratch your disc.

How do you clean a really scratchy disc without buying the cleaning spray?

Rub a little blob of smooth toothpaste on the disc then rinse it off under water, be careful when doing this though as a lot of toothpastes look smooth but actually have tiny hard pieces in it to help clean your teeth and that could scratch the disc more.

How do you really clean a disc when it has a scratch on it?

USE BABY OIL!!!!!!!!!!! pour it on the scratched side of the disc and use a cotton ball, cotton swabs, or GENTLY with your fingers to rub it around on the disc. start from the inside of the disc and rub it to the outside of the disc and then rinse under water and pat dry GENTLY. DO NOT USE TOOTHPASTE

How do you clean a xbox game?

Cleaning Xbox or other video games can be a little tricky. You must be sure to use a clean soft cloth and gently wipe the disc so that you do not scratch the game.

How do you get permenant marker off disc?

you use tooth past and get a SOFT cloft if its tisseu you will scratch your disk then clean off or to get off use hand sanetizer and clean with finger DO NOT USE CLOTH

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Does toothpaste fix a disc scratch?

Yes it does a little...

Is it possible to get a wavy scratch on a game disc?


Which two actions should be performed to clean the surface of CDs and DVDs?

Gently wipe the disc with a lint-free cotton cloth. Never use paper or any material that may scratch the disc or leave streaks.Wipe from the center of the disc outward. Never use a circular motion.

Can air scratch a disc?

No, air cannot scratch a disc by itself. Scratches on discs typically occur when there is direct physical contact with a rough surface or an object that can cause damage.