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Windex does not work. It only softens the plastic that the disc is made of making highly breakable. It has a amonia type substance in it and i would suggest that you use Rubbing Alcohol which has a dilute in it that doesnt hurt your CD. Also your laser reader might be dirty so just stick a piece of tissue in where your CD goes and move it around in there to get the dirt/dust out. -Adryan Blair(Atlanta,GA)

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Q: How do you clean a Scracthed Xbox 360 disk Does Windex work?
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Who do you clean a scratched game for xbox 360?

I'm assuming its a disk-similar to a CD try using windex, yes, windex. spray it onto a towel and then gently wipe it straight across the disk, not in circles. hope it works!

How do you clean a Halo 3 Xbox 360 disk?

buy disk cleaner from the store.

What does it mean when you xbox elite plays games then it says please clean disk?

As with all systems, your disk is probably dirty. Clean it and try again.

How do you clean a video game disc?

1. Get a bottle of Windex (If you have it) or a spray bottle with water (it works better with Windex) 2. spray it ON THE DISK then get a towel, (rag, old shirt, cloth, etc.) 3. rub it on the disk 4. use your mouth to fog it up 5. wipe it with a non-wet(or dirty) towel(rag, old shirt, cloth, etc.) It SHOULD work afterwards (I ONLY tried it on an XBOX 360)

How do you clean a xbox 360 disk?

Try rubbing alcohol people say it works well

Can you clean your Xbox 360 with a CD disk cleaner?

No. This could permanently damage the tray, mechanism, or laser.

Is it ok to use a DVD disk cleaner on the xbox 360 elite to clean the lazer lens?


How do you fix your 360 disk when it says play DVD?

You could clean your disk by putting pubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and gently rubbing down your disk and allow a few seconds for it to dry. Then restart your xbox.

What does it mean when and xbox says cannot read disk?

it means it cannot read the disk. your machine could be dusty, use compressed air to clean fans. your lens could have dust on it too. this can cause it to not be able to read disk.

When you install a game on your xbox 360 do you still need the disc?

Yes, You need the disk and you cant use your friends disk and download it to your Xbox 360 it will say you need the disk in your Xbox when you play it.

How do you fix a broken Xbox disk not Xbox 360 that is broken in the middle?

you don't you go buy a new disk... retard

When I start gta 4 it stops working and shows not responding That happens when I click on start in the game then it keeps on showing some pics It doesn't do anything else?

Either get a different disk or: If xbox 360 - install game to hard drive If PS3, I dont think you can install games like xbox. Just clean disk and maybe clean drive laser. If PC, reinstall game, clean cd and dvd drive laser.