Do all the task for ( Lumbrige ) then you will earn a reward. The total task is 133
To make a mind tiara, take a normal tiara and a mind talisman to the mind altar.
By teleporting for Varrock then walk to it from there, alternatively if you do most of the Varrock achievement diary tasks i think it's the 1st two parts, you don't have to do the hard ones just easy and medium, it will allow you to change the teleport location to Varrock grand exchange so that way you can just click teleport to varrock and it will take you to Grand Exchange instead of the Square.
A diary or a journal.
With the update a few months ago, there are 4 types of Varrock armour. You can obtain these by completing the Varrock Achievement Diary. Easy reward - Varrock Armour 1, Medium - Varrock Armour 2, Hard - Varrock Armour 3, Elite - Varrock Armour 4.
follow the clues and when you get to the list of numbers call that number and the follow more clues finally you will find the diary in the math room
{| ! ! | ! ! | Karamja Diary Karamja gloves Varrock Diary Varrock armour Lumbridge and Draynor Diary Explorer's ring Falador Diary Falador shield Fremennik Province Diary Fremennik Sea Boots Seers' Village Diary Seers' Headband |}
To cabbage teleport you must complete the Lumbridge achievement diary, this is the only achievement diary available for free players to complete and consists of mainly easier challenges.
You need to complete the Varrock Medium tasks in "Achievement Diary"
LOts of quests offer money. Doing achievement diary also gives you money.
To make a mind tiara, take a normal tiara and a mind talisman to the mind altar.
There are different ones for each diary for example explorer jack and captain ned are the taskmasters for lumbridge and there are others in varrock, falador, seers village, karamja etc. Each one gives the rewards for each diary.
I think there should be SubCategories for like Grand Exchange , Quests, Achievement Diary, Banking, Members-Only things, etc.
They use an Explorer's Ring(3) that allows them to teleport to Draynor cabbage patch. You can get the Explorer Ring by completing the Lumbridge/Draynor achievement diary. ((R.s. = britmac2005))
You can only get flax from Geoffrey after you have completed at the least the easy tasks for Seer's Village in the Achievement Diary. You must be wearing a Seer's headband when you speak to him about getting the flax -upon completing the easy tasks, you get 30 free flax from him daily -upon completing the medium tasks, you get 60 free flax from him daily -upon completing the hard tasks, you get 120 free flax from him daily And remember, without wearing the Seer's headband when you talk to him, this does not apply regardless of your achievement diary. [p.s.- there are many other wonderful rewards with the Seer's Headband when equipped!]
Do the free-to-play quests, do the achievement diary, do the recently added tasks, earn money to buy some neat armour; kill creatures; train several skills.
If you combine it with another stat e.g. cooking If you dont combine, it is not possible to make money by firemaking. OR In a quest where you need to firemake, you might make cash from completion of the quest or Achievement Diary.
There is one in the building to the east of the bank in Edgeville. You need to have the armor from the Varrock achievement diary to enter. There is also one in Doric's house, which is north of Falador and south of the goblin village, and just east of the gate to the member's side of RuneScape.