You have to make a 0 on purpose and when you get your grade, (ON MASTERARY TEST OR IT WILL NOT WORK) whenever the bars at the end of your test show up to tell you you made a 0, QUICKLY PRESS the x and get off aplus. Then, Log back on and you will have a 100 in every past test that you have taken. It is a pretty cool trick. I got it from YouTube and IT DOES WORK!
you can't, it is a secured site without any cheats.
You can make your sims happy by maintaining their mood-metre or spawing the cheat gnome by pressing B,Z,Up,Down,B and then when you find the cheat gnome press minus,plus,Z,Z,A
this cheat is to skip a level in call of bieber: 2121this cheat is to run faster : 4661this cheat is for invincible : 2088this cheat is for bieberthe midget :9017this cheat is to add 5000 cash : 1212this cheat is for a bonus wallpaper : 0000
No cheat for it in GTA.
There is no cheat.
Just type in 'exit' and the cheat window will disappear.
People are saying no to Ipads in schools, because the Ipad has the internet and students can cheat for answers.
You can't enter in cheat codes on Mafia Wars and plus there aren't cheat codes anymore.
Two secondary schools for pupils 11-18, plus five primary schools for younger children.
Yeah heres another question.... who is answering this question boy or girl? cuz its just wrong to cheat on someone
England does not. Some schools in England do.
Well, you can't get that many Rox with a cheat code! Plus, cheating is not allowed on Moshi Monsters.
9 schools (3 undergrad 6 grad) plus 4 affiliated schools; 2 high schools, a Rabbinic seminary and a school of Jewish music
because they are stupid they think that kids will use them to cheat on test and they would be a distraction.
Not as commonly used. More schools are replacing their c++ classes with java classes.