

Best Answer

Hit the T key on the keyboard to chat with others on the server.

Hit Enter when your done and want to send it. You have to hit Enter in order to end chat.

Go into Options and look under the Controlsmenu for all the key board controls.

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Q: How do you chat on minecraft PC?
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How do you text in Minecraft?

you have to go to the menu and acesess chat settings and use type chat then go to the game and then you can chat

How do you turn on chat on a Minecraft server?

On a Minecraft server, chat is always on. If one of your friends can't chat, then it is a problem on their end.

Where can you get Minecraft for PC?

The PC version is purchased exclusively from the Minecraft website.

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Minecraft for the PC costs 26.95.

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yes it does you have to buy minecraft PC

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Yes minecraft pc better than all of the minecrafts.

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No, not on Minecraft PC. You just use your mouse and keyboard.

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You will have to rebuild them.

How do you chat in Minecraft on the computer?

To chat in Minecraft all you need to do is press "t" on your keyboard and type in what you want to say. Minecraft does not support voice chat, but you can still communicate with others using Teamspeak, Mumble, or Skype. Hope this helped!

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Can you get Minecraft on PC?

Yes, go the Minecraft website (if you have full/ bought Minecraft) and sign in. Then click on download and head to the PC download.