Charge yur lazer.
charge ur lazer (mash the mouse)
there is not answer, its impossible and the end of the quiz
Impossible quiz 1 = an elephant. Impossible quiz 2 = press the right arrow.
the impossible quiz 2 answers
Charge yur lazer.
charge ur lazer (mash the mouse)
The impossible quiz is a very famous online quiz created by Splapp-Me-Do.
The impossible quiz is a very famous online quiz created by Splapp-Me-Do.
Impossible Quiz 2
there is not answer, its impossible and the end of the quiz
Impossible quiz 1 = an elephant. Impossible quiz 2 = press the right arrow.
the impossible quiz 2 answers
cylindrical adventures. is the answer in the impossible quiz 1.
Ok go to and search impossible quiz
If its the one with the black head and red lips then a bomb next to it, then you have to move your mouse over to the head and then left-click as fast as you can. a lazer comes out of his mouth and blows up the bomb
The Answer on level 7 in the impossible quiz iz: An Elephant.