If you are wondering how to change your title from fluffy mouse to "yeah cheese" or something like that type in /title
then in gray it should come up with all the titles you have unlocked then type in /title (then the number by the side of the name) there you are
example: /title 57
type /title and select the title you want. Then type /title (number of title you want).
You need to gather 38, 000 cheese. For a list of all the titles you can check out cheeseformice.com ^^
Save 28,000 mice as Shaman.
You complete one boot camp map.
You need too get all items in 2013 valentines day.
By contacting transformice
type /title and select the title you want. Then type /title (number of title you want).
Get 9001 cheese.
Type /title into the chat box to see what titles you have and the number for each title. Then type /title 'number' into the chat box. Replace the word 'number' with the number for the title you want. The title will be swapped next round.
You need to gather 38, 000 cheese. For a list of all the titles you can check out cheeseformice.com ^^
To get the title Gravity Master, you will have to have 1000 bootcamp completions.
/title 7 You gather 100 cheese to get it.
Gather 2,300 cheese.
Save 28,000 mice as Shaman.
You complete one boot camp map.
1800 cheese.
it is number 295 u can know by typing /title