It will cost 800 Microsoft points and you can change by going into "my profile" on the dashboard then select "edit profile" then look for edit/change gamertag. Also you will have to log off and then back on for it to change.
no i have alredy tried it
you cant but you can change your clan tag from the playercard option
There is actually many of them for instance. jacks gamer tag is Jackp and Geoff's gamer tag is DGgeoff just go to and find them
no i have alredy tried it
you cant but you can change your clan tag from the playercard option
simple it is yor gamer tag
Gamer tag Gamer tag
His gamer tag is 'Tobuscus', like his name.
What is Selena Gomez gamer tag for xbox 360
A gamer tag is created to hide a person real identity while online, MAST#R GOD is someones gamer tag there is no clear way to determine who owns that tag.
XBOX360 and PS3 gamer tag xbox souljaboytellem gamer tag ps3 iSouljaBoyTellEm
you cant u have to make a whole new account. i have to keep my dads gamer tag. bunkywastaken