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If you mean your username, go to customer service and they can help you.

If you mean password, there's a button on the log in page that will help you with that. You will need your secret code for it.

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Q: How do you change your email address on Webkinz?
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How do you change the email address for webkinz?

Go to "Customer Service"

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Their email address is See the Related Link.

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No you do not have to enter your email aderess to sign up for a limited acount

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I tried looking it up myself! Actualy you have to get the "Ganz" email address instead it's:

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You can change your email address in your settings.

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You can officially contact Webkinz through the website provided at the link below under Related Links instead of using any email addresses.

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no need to change the email address since it is our address and the broadband would be address of all

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you shouldn't give Ur email address out for safety reasons ;)

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Yes, your email address will change. Each Email address has a particular account. Thus duplication is not possible here.

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