I don't think you can. sorry. You choose it when you're doing favors for Nook and a villager will ask you. That stays for the rest of the game.
there is no way to change the date of birth on aqw only one way is to make new account sometime they will realse it
Because If A Under 13 Wanted To Talk He Could Just Change His Date Of Birth
yes there is a way cuz i got muted for being underage but i found out a way to change it but i cant remember
You don't. Once you claim to have a certain birthday, they won't let you change it. This rule is pressumably in place for the protection of minors.
If you need to change the date of birth on your account then you will need to contact the Moshi Monsters Customer service team. Their email is helpme@moshimonsters.com.
umm apparently no, you Cannot change your birth date in Animal Crossing Wild World of Nintendo. well, hope i helped!!!
the amount of sex people had skyrocketed.
If you're referring to your Chinese birth animal, it depends on what year you were born. If you're referring to the Native American birth animal, you are the owl.
When the death toll and birth rate of people are equal around the world.
A new animal is brought into this world to start it's new life outside of it's mother. :)
August's birth animal is the cat. It goes from July 8 to August 4.
An animal that can give birth is a female organism. Males can't give birth because they don't have the appropriate organs.
live birth not eggs are mothers who are mammals
no as eyes are among the many things of which an animal posses which will never change as it is part of all of their genes. if an animal is born without eyes it is either a deformity at birth of had human interference.
Metamorphosisis a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animal's body structure through cell growth and differentiation.
Anything. You could be born again as a human, animal, bird, plant, fish, insect, etc. Your birth is determined by your past deeds.