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Q: How do you change the word coat into vase by changing one letter at a time to spell a different word?
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mare-more man-men feel-feet molt-colt love-lose lost-last I hope this helped!! Edited to answer your question of how to get from mare to colt by changing one letter at a time. mare-more more-mole mole-molt molt-colt

Change the word to a different word by changing 1 letter at a time to spell a different word Mare the next four words have to end up being Colt?

Mare # Male (R-L) # Malt (E-T) # Molt (A-O) # Colt (M-C)

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Chameleons, the little lizards that change color?

Why is y a letter?

Without it, you could not spell a lot of different words. Why is A a letter? Or B?

A 9 letter word using aeitblrec?

Change the 'i' to an 'e' and you can spell celebrate.

How do you change the word read to work by changing one letter at a time to spell a different word?

4 steps (minimum) using the word woad, a plant:read > road > woad > word> work6 steps using more familiar words:read > reed > reek > peek > perk > pork > work

Where do you change your mage attacks in RuneScape?

By clicking a different spell in spell book, or clicking the "crossed sword" icon around ur inventory, then clicking spell book on that for auto-cast.

How many different real or imaginary 10 letter words can be made from the letters J A H R F I A U D I?

The letters do not spell any 10 letter words. However, they can be used to spell the 6 letter afraid.

Is this how you spell different or with an a?

You spell it like this: different