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download these things called texture packs

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Q: How do you change the textures of the blocks on minecraft?
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How do you change pixel format so you can play minecraft on computer?

Minecraft is playable on the computer, by default unless you changed the settings. I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean to change the textures, you can install a texture pack. This changes the textures (or pixels) on the blocks (tools, etc.) giving Minecraft a whole new look. Just copy and paste the texture pack folder in the texture pack folder in Minecraft.

What are Minecraft texture packages?

its texture packs and they change the textures of minecraft. making it look how you please

Where do you find glowstone in a minecraft texture pack folder?

If you mean in 1.5, the /minecraft.jar/textures/blocks there is no glow stone, it took me some searching but, I did find it. It is not called glow stone. It is /minecraft.jar/textures/blocks/lightgem. Hope this helps. :)

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There are 3 textures of leaves in Minecraft.

How do you change the minecraft trapped chest texture in 13w03a?

Edit the textures in item/chests folder.

How do you fix the custom textures for minecraft mods that add new blocks and items?

Wait for the creator of the texture pack to properly update it the latest version.

What is the definition of a Minecraft alpha texture pack?

A Minecraft texture pack is a package that changes the games appearance. In case you didn't know textures are the images used on the blocks. For example the green image used for grass on top of the grass blocks is the grass texture. When someone makes a texture pack they edit these textures to their liking, changing the games appearance. You can download these from all over the web - the best place most likely being the Minecraft Forums.

How do you change different blocks in minecraft 0.30?

Right click to place blocks. Left click to remove blocks Push B to view blocks.

How do get pokemobs in Minecraft?

you can get minecraft mods and textures off the minecraft mods website.

How do you change Minecraft textures?

You just download a texture pack online, open you're texture pack folder through minecraft (or %appdata%), drag the texture pack into the folder, and select it though minecraft.

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i dont kno if u can change the blocks

What are texture packs in Minecraft?

Texture packs are downloadable files that change the appearance of the game. In minecraft it can change everything from the appearance of the blocks to the mobs and sometimes the default player skin.