You have to go to a shop and then buy some more clothes off the clothing racks.
The same way you changed clothes in the base game, and the same way you change clothes throughout the entire game: buy a dresser, click it, and choose one of the options to "Change into..." Sims can go to community lots to purchase additional clothing, at which point they can also have the option to plan their outfits, allowing the player to select which outfit will be changed into when the Sim switches between clothing categories.
go to a community lot that has clothing racks, then select the rack and pick buy clothing. it will bring up a window with all the clothing you can buy. once you have everything you wish to buy hit the check and your sim will purchase the clothing. when you get home, make sure you have a dresser so you can "Plan outfit" and change your sims' clothes.
You can get new maternity clothes for Sims 2 by downloading Squinges mod; pregnant Sims wear any outfit.
The Sims 2 bodyshop is a place where you can make custom sims and clothes for them.
You can not change the maternity cothes in SIms 2. They give you a randome one that you have to keep. And you cant go to a comunity lot to buy Maternity clothes bcuz your sim would say sinnce im pregnet i thnk i should stay and rest. -somthing like that- up in the to right corner of your screen! this is for The sims 2 double deluxe (with it installed)--->Apartment life. :)
You'll start off with a cubboard/closet/wardrobe just click on it to change your clothes
The same way you changed clothes in the base game, and the same way you change clothes throughout the entire game: buy a dresser, click it, and choose one of the options to "Change into..." Sims can go to community lots to purchase additional clothing, at which point they can also have the option to plan their outfits, allowing the player to select which outfit will be changed into when the Sim switches between clothing categories.
ah, the tricky one. go to a clothes store. (i know they sound like teens, but u need to buy ADULT clothes or it will not wrok) sometimes, theres a person with a graduation hat and gown. it doesnt matter, it could be adult or the college person. theyll both be in the dresser. go home and click the dresser. "plant outfit......." choose which outfit u want to change
1. Call a taxi for your sim and have the taxi go to a community lot where you can buy clothes. 2.Click on the clothes rack and have your sim purchase the clothes you want. 3. Go back home and go to a dresser (if you don't already have one you should be able to purchase one under the misc. section) 4. Click on the dresser and choose what outfit you want to plan for (everyday, underwear, swimwear, athletic, outerwear, pajamas) Done! Easy as pie! Also, sims two double deluxe isn't any different in the setup in the base game sims 2. It's just like getting sims 2 and 2 other expansion packs.
go to a community lot that has clothing racks, then select the rack and pick buy clothing. it will bring up a window with all the clothing you can buy. once you have everything you wish to buy hit the check and your sim will purchase the clothing. when you get home, make sure you have a dresser so you can "Plan outfit" and change your sims' clothes.
If it is for the DS then you will have to wait until the dresser apears in the store but if it is for a different version then I'm not sure.
Go to a waredrobe or closet and select plan outfit
You can only edit things like ear and face size in create a sim mode when your in neighborhood view or edit town, but once you've created your sim, you can edit their hair color and style, or make up by clicking on a mirror and selecting 'change appearance' to change your outfit, you click on a dresser and select 'plan outfit'.
You can get new maternity clothes for Sims 2 by downloading Squinges mod; pregnant Sims wear any outfit.
The Sims 2 bodyshop is a place where you can make custom sims and clothes for them.
Go to town square and the place were you wash you're dog and hit buy clothes
If want baby clothes you have to get them from places like Mod the Sims.