You can't. The game is programmed to the region/language. Unless you hack it and patch it into English.
Pokemon platunum will never be realised in Greece only in German, Italy,Spain, united kingdom and in franch
It means English. Since Diamond and Pearl came out, you can trade using WiFi with people from all over the world. There are some Pokemon that, once traded, will give you access to the pokedex of that Pokemon in the language the Pokemon is from. The Pokemon affected by this are: Ekans, Ponyta, Magikarp, Staryu, Pikachu, Psyduck, Wobbuffet, Heracross, Houndour, Teddiursa, Clefairy, Clefable, Sneasel, Wingull, Roselia, Slakoth. The language you can get are; English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Italian. In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum you can trade a Finneon for a German Magikarp (probably from another language if your game is German), and in HeartGold/SoulSilver you're able to obtain a French Pikachu. (Also probably another language if you have a French game.)
Yes but the language is German, no English option.
In Spanish, Ash is known as Ash Ketchum, which is the same as English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Canadian French, Dutch, and Hindi.
yes you can they are worth the same
The cast of My Date from Hell - 2006 includes: Donald Arthur as Devil Marie Bierstedt as Pie-Girl Nadine Fiebig as Emanze (german Version) Tracey Grey as Nelly (english Version) Gudo Hoegel as Wilber (german Version) Veronika Neugebauer as Nelly (german Version) Hartmut Neugebauer as Teufel (german Version) Nina Rothemund as Nina (german Version) Caryn Stringer as Pie-Girl (english Version) Susan Tackenberg as Nina (english Version) Tom Zahner as Wilber (english Version)
Pokemon platunum will never be realised in Greece only in German, Italy,Spain, united kingdom and in franch
The German transcription is Tschernobyl. It's pronounced almost like the English version.
The name Whitehead is an English version of the German name Weisskopf which means "White head" in German.
yh. there is German versions of all their songs released, but its not on the 'humaniod' Cd :( Not all their songs are in German and not all are in English. Humanoid is released with German and English lyrics.
Do you mean the fish pokemon? That is Karpador in the German version of the game. If you mean a "magic carpet". That is "fliegender Teppich".
English, Jewish (Americanized version of German Grün, Irish, or North German. It has many origins.
platinum = Platin
try Richard Proulx's version.
Kuper is the German version of the English surname Cooper