In Diamond and Pearl, one must beat four gyms before challenging Fantina. In Platinum she can be challenged upon your first visit to the city.
You can challenge the petalburg gym after you beat fire type gym leader in lavaridge town.
Go down to oreburgh mine and talk to the gym leader he will run off now go to oreburgh city and go into gym that gym leader will challenge you.
go to canalave city and challenge the gym leader
u go to the top of the gym and turn off the waterfall and challenge him.
The 6 gym leader in at Canalave City. the gym after the hearthome City gym!!!!!
The 14th gym leader is the 14th gym you challenge, and there really isn't an order. However, in chronological order, the 14th gym is the gym in Saffron City, with Sabrina as the gym leader.
You can challenge the petalburg gym after you beat fire type gym leader in lavaridge town.
Go down to oreburgh mine and talk to the gym leader he will run off now go to oreburgh city and go into gym that gym leader will challenge you.
The sixth Gym Leader is Jasmine, the Gym leader of Olivine City who has steel type pokemon. You don't necesserally have to challange her sixth, though. When you surf to the other city (i forget the name of it) and get the secretpotion, you can surf back to the city, give the potion to Jasmine and then challenge her fifth. Then you can go back to the other city and challenge the gym leader there, but the way the game is supposed to go is that you challenge the fifth gym whilst getting the secretpotion, then going back to Olivine City and challenging Jasmine.
You go to Pewter City and challenge Brock.
go to canalave city and challenge the gym leader
You head to Pewter City and battle Brock there gym leader! Then from there you head south to Virdian City. There gym leader won't be there so you keep on to Pallet Town. Then pass Cinnabar island and head to the seaform island and challenge the gym leader! Then after you defeat there gym leader talk to the Virdian Gym leader at Cinnabar island and then you go defeat him at his gym
Wallace is the Gym Leader of Sootopolis City so you will be able to verse him once you challenge the Gym.
u go to the top of the gym and turn off the waterfall and challenge him.
the fifth gym leader is Koga which is in fuchia city or you can switch the order and challenge Sabrina in saffron city but you have to beat Giovanni in the silph co.
No, the first leader is Roark, the Rock-type Pokemon gym leader in Oreburgh City. Gardenia is the Grass-type Pokemon in Eterna City, whom you challenge second.
After beating the Ecruteak Gym Leader Morty, you go to Olivine City and go to the Lighthouse to find Jasmine the Olivine City Gym Leader there, talk to her and she'll tell you what she needs. Head to Cianwood City and challenge Chuck the Gym Leader there and make sure to get the Potion for Ampharos there as well before heading back to Jasmine.