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got to dogo click sensei then press challenge sensei

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Q: How do you challenge Sensei on club penguin?
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What is sensei in club penguin email

When you are on club penguin and you have the lava mask do you challenge sensei?

Well you only challenge sensei when in the volcano because that's where you get the lava mask u chalenge him when u get firey helmet

Club Penguin-whats sensie's user name on Club Penguin?

sensei also calls sensei on club penguin its the same name! i saw him it calls Sensei and its grey

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How do you beat the Sensei at Card Jistu on Club Penguin?

# Go onto your computer. # Go onto the internet. # Go onto # Log into your Club Penguin account. # Go to the Dojo. # Become a black belt, if you are that's good # When you are black belt, challenge the Sensei # Challenge the Sensei a few times, it takes time for him to become weak.

What is sensei's username on Club Penguin?

i think sensei

What is the sensei's email address on club penguin?

Sensei does not have a owner. He is owned by the club penguin team.

How to be the sensei in Club Penguin?

you cant become sensei but you can be a ninja

Is there a snow element sensei in club penguin?

There is not a snow element yet on Club Penguin. Sensei might bring it out during December.

How do you beat the sensie on Club Penguin?

He just gets weaker and weaker! U have to play for a while 2

How do you get the sensei stamp on club penguin?

To get this stamp you have to be in the same room as sensei

If you were a ninja on club penguin and then you wern't how would you be a ninja again?

you have to be a black belt and then challenge Sensei again to become a ninja again