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when a Pokemon used substitute they won't be in site you have to destroy the substitute to catch it

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Q: How do you catch the substitution Pokemon on Pokemon Platinum?
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you can't catch him in platinum but in soulsilver or heartgold you can catch him then trade it to platinum.

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You can catch Sinnoh Pokemon in Pokemon platinum, but you need to migrate and trade unless you have an action replay

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No, you cannot catch a mew in Pokemon Platinum without cheating.

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You can't. It is not available on Pokemon Platinum.

In Pokemon Platinum is it possible to catch glameow?

no you cannot catch a glameow on Pokemon Platinum unless you trade for it from someone who has Pokemon Pearl (since you cannot catch it in Pokemon Diamond either).

Where can you catch spirittomb in Pokemon Platinum?

You can't catch Spirittomb in Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum. Unless you have a Action Replay Code to catch trainners pokemon, you can catch it from one of the elite four