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you nail pikachu to a cross you nail pikachu to a cross

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Q: How do you catch the god Pokemon?
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God Knows<<<wrong, you can't catch them, but later in the game you can befriend them

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Arceus is the God of all legendary Pokemon. You cannot catch him in soulsilver. You can get him in a Pokemon event that gamestop or toys r us hosts. You have to search for the dates, or sign up to to get Pokemon event emails.

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All of the legendary dogs: Rakou the god of speed Entei the god of power suicune the god of recovery are all Johto Pokemon not hoenn.

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In Pokemon Leaf Green, you can catch Pokemon in the grass, water, or in a cave.

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A Weedle.

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In Pokemon black you catch RESHIRAM and TORNADUS In Pokemon white you catch ZEKROM and THUNDERUS Sources : myself

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you cannot catch the 3 regi's in Pokemon platinum you have to catch them in Pokemon emerald then transfer them to Pokemon platinum. thnx

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In Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl, there is no possible way to catch a Giritina. You can, however, either catch one in Pokemon Platinum or trade with someone who does have one. In Pokemon Pearl, you catch Palkia at Spear Pillar. In Pokemon Diamond, you catch Dialga at Spear Pillar.

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Catch trainer Pokemon

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catch it

Where do you catch ohsowatt in Pokemon black?

You can't catch him you get him as a starter pokemon.

What do you do after you catch Mewtwo in Pokemon Pokemon LeafGreen?

Catch 'em all