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In Pokemon soul silver and heart gold they tried not to give away to many legendaries so they decided to leave a few out including Regigigas. Although you can still get it from various cheat consoles like; Game shark or Action replay. There is one last way to get it, if you have captured him on one of the previous three games and have 2 ds' you can import (trade) him from them.

Hope this answers you question ;)

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Q: How do you catch regigigas on SoulSilver?
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Where to you catch regigigas in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Trade with Pokemon Platinum, Pearl, or Diamond.

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You cannot catch any of the Regis (Regirock, Regice, Registeel and Regigigas) in Pokémon HeartGold or SoulSilver.

Can you catch regice registeel regirock and regigigas in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

Nope. just by transfer.

How do you get regigigas in SoulSilver?

You cannot get Regigigas in Pokémon SoulSilver, you will have to trade it from Diamond, Pearl or Platinum.

Can you get regigigas in Pokemon SoulSilver?


How do you get regigigas in ruby?

you can not get regigigas! but you can catch regice, regirock, registel.

Can you catch the regis in SoulSilver?

No. You have to transfer them from your emerald game. If you get all three Regis and transfer them over, you unlock regigigas. He is in the snowpoint temple. You have to get the national pokedex before you can do any of this.

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Where is regigigas in Pokemon SoulSilver?

it's not. buy diamond pearl or platinum.

What do you have to have to get regigigas?

you need all the regi's to catch a regigigas in snowpoint city in the temple

Can you catch a regigigas in Pokemon ruby?


Can you capture raggigis in soulsliver?

it is regigigas not what you just said, and you can`t get it on soulsilver or heartgold