Have Thundurus and Tornadus in your party and go to the Abundant Shrine off Route 14. Head toward the open part in the Abundant Shrine. Be sure to bring plenty of Ultra/Timer Balls. For Thundurus you'll have to trade with White.
well, landorus is only for Pokemon black sorry!
You can catch the main white legendary, Kyrugem, Virizion, Cobalion, Terrakion, Thunderous, Victini, Zorua, Zoroark, Volcarona, and Landorus.
go to adburant shine with tornadrus and thundrus and if your talking about landorus?
Landorus is a Ground and Flying type pokemon.
Landorus is found at the back of the abundant shrine, however, it will not appear unless both tornadus and thunderus are in your party.
No, they do not have to be the same level to get Landorus.
If you have Pokemon Black, you cant, there is just Tornadus. If you have White there it is, but no Tornadus. You can only trade to obtain Landorus.
well, landorus is only for Pokemon black sorry!
you both the games to do it.first have tornadous from black and thundorous from white then go to the aubandent shrine have the to pokemon in your party then talk to the shrine and you will battle landorus on pokemon white version!!hope i helped!If you have both Thundurus and Tornadus. When you get both of the ff. pokemon, go to the Giant Chasm and you can meet Landorus
You need to trade it across, and catch Thundurus as well. Trade won't let you get Landorus.
It doesn't have to do with season.
You can catch the main white legendary, Kyrugem, Virizion, Cobalion, Terrakion, Thunderous, Victini, Zorua, Zoroark, Volcarona, and Landorus.
In pokemon black it is landorus
no you cannot when tornadus and thunderus landorus gets mad the you have a chance to catch it
Reshiram Kyurem Keldeo Victini Virizion Cobalion Terrakion Meloetta Genesect Tornadus Landorus :3
The way you get Landorus is by getting Tornadus first. Then after you catch him, you have to catch Thundurus. You're only able to get Thundurus in Pokemon White and Tornadus in Pokemon Black so you can only get the other from a trade. After you have both of them in your party, go to the place where it says you need to go to get landorus (somewhere on the East side of the map up a waterfall or two). Go up to the little shrine and he will come down to you and then you can catch him.