

Best Answer

The only way to have a Golurk in both Pokemon White and Pokemon Black is by evolving it from a Golett.

Following is all you need to know to capture a Golett in Pokemon White and Black:

Dragonspiral Tower 1F ??at level:

30, 31, 32, 33 ??in the wild: 100% Dragonspiral Tower 2F+ ??at level:

30, 31, 32, 33 ??in the wild: 50%

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Q: How do you catch golurk in Pokemon White?
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Where to find a golurk in Pokemon black?

you can not catch a golurk in the wild but you can calch its lower form golett in Dragonspiral Tower and evolve it into a golurk

How does golett evolve in Pokemon Black and White?

It evolves into Golurk starting at Level 43.

Is golurk the Pokemon legendary?

Golurk is not a legendary. It's the evolved form of Golett, which is a regular Pokemon.

Is Golurk the Pokemon a legendary?

Golurk is not a legendary. It's the evolved form of Golett, which is a regular Pokemon.

When does golett evolve on Pokemon Black and White?

Golett evolves into Golurk starting at Level 43.

What level does golett evolve at in Pokemon white 2?

Golett evolves into Golurk at level 43.

What level does golett evolve in Pokemon white?

Golett evolves into Golurk starting at Level 43.

What ghost Pokemon are in black and white?

the ghost Pokemon in black and white are Frillish, Jellicent, Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure, Yamask, Golett, Golurk those are the only ghost type Pokemon in Pokemon black and white.

How to get golet in Pokemon black 2?

Golett is obtained by breeding Golurk. Golurk is found in Dragonspiral tower

What is the national pokedex number for Golurk?

Golurk is #623 in the national pokedex, and it is a Ground-Ghost type Pokemon.

What is a weakness of golurk Pokemon?

Golurk is a Ground/Ghost-type Pokemon, so it's weak to Water, Grass, Ice, Dark, and Ghost attacks.

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You cannot catch Hydreigon on Pokemon White.